Online Booking is essential to guarantee entry to Turoe Pet Farm.
The Time Slot that you book is for use of all the facilities both Indoor and Outdoor, Before or after your Time Slot you are welcome to use the Outdoor facilities only.
This can happen anyone and is no problem you can arrive at any time with in your Time Slot. As long as you are aware when your Time Slot is up you only have use of the Outdoor facilities only.
Our yearly membership can be purchased only on site; Book as normal as a “new guest” online and at reception you can upgrade to membership and pay the balance at reception.
Yes you can, You must book directly by contacting us directly on 091 841580 or Email: Our Birthday Party Package is not available online
If you wish to use a Turoe Farm Voucher for a daily visit or for the purchase of membership, you will have to contact us directly on 091 841580 or Email: to book your Time Slot. Gift Vouchers cannot be used on our Online-Booking System. Vouchers can also be used here on site at the Shop and Kitchen.
In each area there is a free section for under 2 years of age to use, however if you feel that they want to use the main sections after viewing them on arrival you may return to admissions to purchase a wrist band.
Yes picnics are welcome (however Hot Food and Hot Drinks are not permitted to be brought in to the premises) you must supply your plates / cups / cutlery / serviettes etc. It is also expected that you clean up after and use the bins provided. Also no barbeques or acholic drinks allowed.
Yes, in the interest of safety it is mandatory for children to wear socks in our indoor play areas, Children who don’t wear socks will be refused entry NO EXCEPTIONS! We understand that there might be children with additional needs that might not like to wear socks, and this might be frustrating for parents or guardians that there are required to wear them. However it is a rule we have to follow purely on safety grounds.
Caps or Hats or any Jewelry, Toys and Accessories are not allowed to be brought into indoor play areas. Also no Food or Drinks. Please be respectful to our Supervisors. NO EXCEPTIONS!
We supply a limited number of Footballs please enquire at admissions on the day. PLEASE NOTE FAMILIES CAN BRING THEIR OWN FOOTBALL FOR THEIR OWN USE.
We allow Guide Dog’s or Sensory Dog’s only.
No, Adults are not allowed in the main sections of the Indoor Play Areas, we have supervisors who look after these section. If you think your child needs some help feel free to ask any supervisor they will be happy to assist. The only sections in the Indoor Play Area that Adults are allowed are the Free Toddler section. These sections are unsupervised so you are expected to supervise your own child in these sections.
We deem a Child age 2 to 12 years, Age 13 years or over are not allowed to use the Indoor Play Areas.
We allow one carer free admission per special need child/adult we ask you to book in as normal but we will reimburse you on arrival on the producing of a valid carers card.
To guarantee your entry Book your visit Online, If you do arrive without a Online Booking and there is space on that New Guest Time Slot we will allow and you will be charged the Gate Price (see Rates page). However if there is no space on the New Guest Time Slot you will not gain entry.
If anyone has any remaining questions you can contact us by E-mail or Phone 091 841580.